Sunday, September 09, 2007

Berlin Again

I met up with two friends from Canada in Berlin this past weekend (August 31 - September 2). This time, I played the tour guide. I've been to Berlin several times already, so I knew quite a bit about the city.

We did A LOT of walking. A bike tour would have been ideal. I did see some new things that I haven't seen before, despite my numerous trips to Berlin.

One of the many museums in Berlin. This is in the Museum district of Berlin.

A cool looking building, with the TV tower in the background. I think this is a museum as well.

This is a memorial for the book-burning that took place before WWII. The plaque has a quote by Heinrich Heine: "Dort, wo man Bücher verbrennt, verbrennt man am Ende auch Menschen." ("Where they burn books, they will, in the end, burn human beings too.")

Very interesting, since Heinrich Heine quoted this in 1820.

Apparently, under this lot lies one of Hitler's bunkers. Perhaps the one he died in. This is close to the new Holocaust memorial.

Inside the Holocaust memorial.

A panorama of the holocaust memorial.

My friends posing at Alexanderplatz.

A cool picture of the bombed-out church, which is preserved this way as a memorial of the WWII bombings.

The Siegessäule (Berlin Victory Column) at sunset. Built between 1864–73, as a memorial to commemorate the victory in the Prussian-Danish war.

A panorama from on top of the Berlin Victory Column.

A picture inside of the Reichstag (officially called the Bundestag) dome. You can see where the German politicians do their work.

A cool panorama of the Gendarmenmarkt, a pretty neat square. From the left, the buildings are: Der Deutsche Dom (The German Cathedral), Das Konzerthaus (The Concert Hall), and Der Französiche Dom (The French Cathedral).

We went to a really cool club at Alexanderplatz, where there was a rooftop patio. Cover was pretty steep (12 Euros), but the view was awesome.

It was damn cold, but there were a lot of people there.

Club goers enjoying the view.

A picture of the group.

Another view from the rooftop.

Yet another view from the rooftop.

The rooftop bar.

A view from another side of the rooftop.

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